Saturday, October 26, 2024

Federal Government Superclusters Initiative

Dear Colleagues: ACA supports the mission of Canadian Construction Innovations.  CCI advocacy has led to an unprecedented opportunity to access research funds at a level to make a quantum jump in our industry better serving client needs and thriving in an increasingly challenging competitive marketplace.

In support of CCI, ACA urges members to endorse CCI’s Letter of Intent, as outlined in Pierre Boucher’s email in the link below.  You may have value chains of preferred partners seeking to advance the use of a new material or process.  Or, there may be issues that are pre-competitive in nature where you would benefit from collaborating with peer contractors.

Please submit response prior to July 21.

Thank you for your consideration of joining the effort and accelerating the momentum of CCI serving our industry.

Click here for the letter to members of CCI.

Click here for membership form.