Thursday, February 13, 2025

ACA Executive Meet with Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Brian Mason

ACA Chair Dave Kinley and Senior Vice Chair Paul Verhesen met with Minister Brian Mason and Deputy Minister Barry Day July 2nd.  Dave explained his responsibility as Chair to share industry perspectives on behalf of the membership and offered ACA as a vehicle for the Minister to seek feedback from industry.

Minister Mason appreciated the opportunity to meet with ACA as the provincial voice for Alberta’s construction industry and looked forward to maintaining regular dialogue.

ACA shared highlights of a long history of successful partnerships with the Government of Alberta and summarized priorities shared with our partners the Consulting Architects and Consulting Engineers. ACA is very pleased that the Ministry confirmed that existing partnerships to modernize procurement, adopt standard documents with minimal supplementary conditions, and regularly discuss industry capacity will continue.

As a next step, the Minister requested ACA submit its thoughts on the importance and impact of sustained, consistent Provincial investment in infrastructure as input for consideration in the Province’s long term capital plan.

ACA appreciates the very timely response from the Minister to meet, his supportive comments in the meeting, and confirmation for future that productive dialogue.

Thank you Minister!