Saturday, October 26, 2024

ACA Urges Construction Remain an Essential Service

Alberta Construction Association has sent a letter to Premier Jason Kenney to ensure that construction remains an essential service during the second wave of COVID-19.

Since the outbreak, Alberta’s construction industry has collaborated to develop protocols and share best practices. Our professionals on jobsites calmly execute these protocols every day without incident, assessing and managing COVID as they would with any new hazard. Suppliers of materials have significantly tightened delivery and pick-up to minimize risk of exposure and transmission. Office personnel have successfully utilized technology to minimize exposure in the management of construction projects.

At our November 20th Board meeting, Board members from across Alberta reported, as they have for the past months, that there have been no known incidences of site transmission and any cases resulting from other sources have been dealt with effectively using the industry developed protocols.

You can read the letter here.