Wednesday, March 12, 2025
AdvocacyOccupational Health and Safety

ACA Looking for Volunteers for Subcommittee

With the current term ending for ACA’s appointment on the Safety Codes Council-Building Subcommittee, ACA is looking for volunteers who are interested in representing ACA in this role.  The letter and member description identifies all relevant information including the knowledge required to fill this position and the time commitment.

The volunteer/s would be directly nominated by ACA and if appointed, are expected to provide ACA brief written reports after each meeting.

Please share this request with your membership and contact Ken Gibson with any member putting forward their interest.  He can be reached directly at or by phone 780-455-1122.

Many thanks to Lee Phillips who has done an exemplary job for ACA.   We are very appreciative of the time and effort he has put into serving on this committee. Lee is a past recipient of the ACA Chair’s Award recognizing his exceptional commitment and dedication.