Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Training and EducationWCB

WCB Training on the Job Program

WCB’s training-on-the-job (TOJ) program is designed to help people who are no longer able to go back to their regular job and employer. Workers who are left with a permanent injury are often not able to return to work at the same level of pay as before.
In these situations, WCB will compensate the workers for any earnings loss. This is called an Economic Loss Payment (ELP). The human and financial impact is significant. In many cases, workers receiving an ELP are not able to find employment and their income is significantly impacted.  

Provincially, ELPs account for one-third of your claim costs
Benefits to permanently restricted WCB claimants have increased dramatically over the past five years—they now account for nearly one third of all claim costs.

WCB’s TOJ program can help
The TOJ program is designed to help bring a new employee into a position. It’s one of the many tools that can help permanently injured workers return to work. As part of the program the employer:
·        Have access to a skilled employment pool.
·        Save time with the pre-screening and recruitment process.
·        Save money on training costs/wages during the training period.
·        Have protection from the costs of any injury or re-injury that might occur during the TOJ program.

Ready to get started?
The TOJ application process has been moved to an online platform called WCB Job Connections https://wcb-employer.jobconnections.net/register  All you have to do is keep us in mind when you have a job opportunity and visit the site as part of your normal recruitment process.

You can easily upload your job posting(s) on the site and let the system do the rest. A detailed search function also enables you to start looking for the right candidate for the job. One of our job developers will contact you to help set up an interview.

WCB Job Connections lets you:
·      Search for resumes independently.
·      Find the right people faster.
·      Work with a job developer to find the right person for the job.

For more information on the program click here