Friday, March 14, 2025
AdvocacyNewsStakeholder Consultation

Alberta Infrastructure Seeks Industry Input on VPM Program

A new Vendor Performance Management program (VPM) has been announced by Alberta Infrastructure which aims to ensure contractors and consultants do their best work on infrastructure projects for the Government of Alberta.

VPM is a contract management practice used to track, analyze, and manage the performance of a vendor in an effort to control costs, mitigate risks, and drive continuous improvement throughout the contract life cycle. It ensures that vendors are receiving informal feedback and formal evaluations on their performance at regular intervals, and that past vendor performance is considered in procurement decisions.

Currently, Alberta Infrastructure does not have a formal system for tracking and monitoring the performance of vendors. This has led to inconsistency in contract management and the inability to issue objective vendor references. Alberta Infrastructure has not been able to formally recognize vendors’ good performance.

To do this, Alberta Infrastructure is implementing a new program to manage the performance of its vendors. The VPM Program will:

  • facilitate ongoing, regular communication with vendors, ensuring clarity of expectations and quality performance; 
  • encourage vendors to improve their performance, minimizing the need for corrective measures due to poor performance;
  • enable better decision making on bidder selection through vendor past performance information;
  • hold vendors accountable for their performance; and
  • enable Alberta Infrastructure to provide objective vendor references.

Alberta Infrastructure’s VPM Program will be implemented on new procurements and resulting contracts starting January 6, 2020. Main components of the VPM Program include: key performance indicators on which evaluation will occur; embedding two-way communication in the program, with a ‘no surprises’ approach; building performance history into procurement evaluations; considering corrective measures when issues are identified; ensuring 360 degree feedback opportunities; and suspension of bidding privileges as a last resort in the event of egregiously poor performance. A check and balance mechanism, where a vendor can request a review of their score, is also part of the VPM Program.

Members of Construction Associations in Alberta have the opportunity to participate in a webinar that is planned by AB Infrastructure, with the Alberta Construction Association providing opening comments. This new program that is being implemented on January 6, 2020.

Please make note of the following webinar dates.

  • Tuesday, December 17   2:30 pm – 4 pm
  • Thursday, December 19   9:30 am – 11 am
  • Monday, January 27   2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

To join these webinars please click on the link below:

Or iPhone one-tap:

    Canada: +16475580588,,285185431# or 8557038985,,285185431# (Toll Free)

Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        Canada: +1 647 558 0588  or 855 703 8985 (Toll Free)

    Webinar ID: 285 185 431

    International numbers available:

Pre-registration is not required. The link will work for all three sessions currently offered.