Saturday, October 26, 2024
AdvocacyEmployment StandardsWCB

Industry Taskforce Subcommittee to Examine the Effects of Bill 30

The Industry Taskforce (ITF) has struck a subcommittee to conduct an objective review of Bill 30 changes and identify items industry would like to see repealed if the opportunity arises, as well as those industry would like to see retained. 

ACA will be working with the ITF in the new year to help create a policy document around these points as we get closer to the election in the spring. In the coming months if you have issues with the changes to WCB legislation it would help us represent you to government if we have examples of where the pressure points are for your business in these changes.

Beyond ACA’s work with the ITF on the WCB, ACA is also interested in any changes members are seeking to Government regulations, including Employment Standards, Occupational Health and Safety, etc.

If you have comments, or would like to share your experiences, please contact ACA Policy Analyst Jonathan Williams at