Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Training and Education

ACA Review Summarizes Emerging Skill Sets and Industry Responses for Alberta’s Construction Industry

As part of ACA’s vision of helping member companies seize opportunities and reduce risks they face, ACA’s Board tasked the association to review recent studies on emerging skills for the global construction industry.  The literature review examined over a dozen studies from World Economic Forum and other sources.  The picture that emerges is one of rapid change in which industry embraces skill sets to utilize digitization and automation to maximize productivity and encourage recruitment of new workers.  These findings support the direction of Canadian Construction Association’s Roadmap for Change 2023 which envisions “Construction will be an employer of choice, attracting a diverse and tech savvy workforce”.

The ACA report also provides a current snapshot of how Alberta Local Construction Associations are leaders in assisting members on this journey by offering courses, coordinating communities of practice, and partnering with outside sources of expertise.

ACA commissioned this review as one initiative in developing a broader workforce strategy to support members in achieving the vision.