Wednesday, February 12, 2025
AdvocacyOccupational Health and Safety

ACA Submission to the OHS on Cannabis Legislation

ACA recently participated in a consultation with Alberta OHS regarding impairment arising from the use of cannabis. Including our serious concerns around how impairment is to be dealt with under the new legislation.

ACA has consistently stressed that the safety of workers is paramount and since there is no standardized test for impairment in regards to cannabis usage industry is left in a difficult legal position. Given the present state of research, ACA urges Alberta OHS legislation address indicators of the risk of impairment, by prohibiting concentrations of substances beyond which there is unacceptable risks for specified tasks and work environments. Without clear legislation, employers will continue to face the prospect of litigation

Members may find the OHS consultation backgrounder useful, particularly the web links listed under “Additional Resources” on page 3 of the backgrounder.

ACA’s submission to OHS can be found here.