Wednesday, October 9, 2024
AdvocacyEmployment Standards

ACA to meet with Employment Standards

Employment Standards has accepted ACA’s request to meet to share information and problem solve how best to manage work schedules and overtime with the changes to the Employment Standards Code.  Members are encouraged to contact ACA ( if they would like to be part of the dialogue.

Employment Standards Changes and Resources


  • New General Holiday Pay calculations and increased eligibility
  • Hours of Work Averaging Agreements to replace Compressed Work Weeks
  • Flexible Averaging Agreements (provides for limited use of time-for-time overtime)
  • New rules for unpaid, job-protected personal leaves, including new leaves and earlier eligibility
  • Overtime banking at 1.5X the number of hours worked
  • New rules for group terminations and service of documents
  • New rules for deductions for ‘faulty work’ and uniforms
  • Application of certain standards to farms and ranches with waged, non-family employees.
  • New penalty system and rules regarding variances
  • New rules for employment of youth under 18 (effective May 1, 2018)


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