Friday, January 24, 2025
AdvocacyOccupational Health and Safety

ACA Expresses Industry Concerns About Marijuana and Workplace Safety

ACA attended a July 25th workshop hosted by the Alberta Government.  On behalf of members, ACA expressed the following concerns:

  • Employers need legislative certainty that protection of workplace safety trumps privacy and human rights. Perhaps this takes the form of OHS, privacy, and human rights legislation all being amended to confirm statutory protection of employers provided they are appropriately implementing Government approved policy and procedures
  • Employers need Government to establish an evidence-based risk threshold measure of impairment
  • Education and awareness of the signs and impacts of acute and chronic use of cannabis is needed for workers and supervisors
  • Harmonization across provinces is desirable given that construction workers are mobile and construction companies operate beyond Alberta

Further consultations are planned for this Fall.