Thursday, October 24, 2024
AdvocacyEmployment StandardsOccupational Health and SafetyWCB

Government Responds to ACA Concerns

Because of concerns raised by members over Employment Standards legislation in May, the Labour Deputy Minister sat down with ACA leadership on June 1 to explain what the Employment Standards changes would mean to the industry.

The government responded to ACA concerns and indicated that no changes will be made to construction industry provisions in the regulations that currently exist (e.g. rules for calculating banking of overtime hours, termination pay, vacation pay and calculating general holiday pay).

Any changes to existing regulations will only be made after consulting with affected industries.

There is a plan to review any longstanding permits issued to industries (including any issued to the construction industry) to see if those details should be incorporated into an industry-specific regulation.  The intent would be to ensure that any special rules that are needed for industries are in the regulations so that employers would not need to apply for a permit.  If any such permits exist, affected stakeholders would be engaged in those conversations.