Thursday, October 24, 2024
AdvocacyEmployment StandardsOccupational Health and SafetyWCB

Labour Minister Meets With ACA

On July 14, ACA Chair Paul Verhesen, and Executive Director Ken Gibson met with Labour Minister Christina Gray at the Legislature. At the meeting ACA complimented the government regarding their work previously on Prompt Pay.  Also, they discussed the work that had been done on Silica.

ACA expressed our concerns about the WCB review process and how we hoped that the government understood we want to be productive partners. The minister was eager to hear our concerns and expressed her desire to make sure the review was fair and balanced.

Another discussion point was the Canada Jobs Grant Program. ACA felt that the programs we had suggested to the government as a pilot program where ACA would administer it for our members was a good program which offered a great deal for small businesses which make up a large number of our members.  We shared our disappointment at the reaction we received from the administration.

In all it was a productive and useful meeting and we hope to continue the discussions going forward with the Minister.

Thank you, Minister Gray.