Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Alberta Government Speech From The Throne

The Alberta government on Monday announced the Speech from the Throne.  Announced in the speech were three key bills they want to pass before the session recesses for the summer.

Bill 1: An Act to Renew Democracy in Alberta
This bill will remove corporate and union donations.

Bill 2: An Act to Restore Fairness to Public Revenue
The bill will raise corporate taxes from 10% to 12% and Albertans with income above $125,000 will also pay more taxes.

Bill 3:  Interim Supply Bill
The supply budget used to return funding to Health, Education, and Human services as well to act as a bridge until the NDP government release their budget this fall.

From an ACA perspective, the government announced a commitment to lifelong learning which meets our goal to have a skilled workforce. As well as a commitment to continue to be a good partner with job creators and entrepreneurs.

Also from the speech a commitment to build infrastructure:

“There are parks to tend; public transit and roads to build; hospitals to build and renovate; schools to plan and open; people living on our streets to help.”

As the government goes forward we expect there will be more outlined to the Ministers about what the Premier expects of their department.

Read the Speech from the Throne