Tuesday, March 25, 2025

New Chair and new energy at our AGM

At our Annual General Meeting yesterday we elected our new executive headed by our new Chair Jason Portas. Trevor Doucette moved to Past Chair, Jen Hancock became Senior Vice Chair, Lois Innes was elected Vice Chair. Thank you to John Winter our outgoing past chair who represented ACA on the board for many difficult years during the pandemic and the aftermath. We welcome Jason as our new Chair and cannot wait to take on a new year.

At our meeting Thursday we also heard from Infrastructure Minister Pete Guthrie (pictured on the left with our executive) who outlined his government’s desire to continue to work with our industry during a challenging time in labour needs and affordability concerns.

As a featured guest he listened to concerns and answered questions from our Local Construction Associations and Associate members. We would like to thank him for his time.

As part of our AGM we invited associate members to attend and we appreciate their contributions and collaboration both yesterday and in the future as we continue to advocate for Construction across Alberta. As we prepare for a new year we are excited to continue to build under the direction of the board.