Tuesday, March 25, 2025
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New Alberta Government’s Throne Speech Heralds New Economic Approach

On Wednesday the Alberta government held its Throne Speech. This is the first by the new government and shows the direction they are headed in the near future. Among these announcements were several which interest the construction industry.

The first four bills include commitments made on the campaign trail around getting Alberta’s economy moving, carbon taxes, and tax reduction.

  • Bill 1 Will cut the carbon tax (predicted to become law by May 30th.)
  • Bill 2 Minimum wage cut for under 18, worker’s rights in Union, which will be followed this fall by further changes to the Labour reforms under the NDP government.
  • Bill 3 Includes the promised Business tax cut
  • Bill 4 Red Tape Reduction Act
    The Government claims this will provide the means to lower the regulatory burden on Alberta’s economy by one third, reducing costs, speeding up approvals, and freeing job creators to get more Albertans back to work.

Aside from these bills there were a number of other announcements which will affect the industry including:

Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Trades Act.
This legislation will make it easier and fairer for newcomers to be credentialed in their professions, and work at their skill level.

Establishment of the Indigenous Opportunities Corporation
The Indigenous Opportunities Corporation will support First Nations’ and other indigenous groups’ financial participation in natural resource development and infrastructure projects here, and in other parts of Canada.

The government predicted further legislation in 2020 will address matters related to democratic reform, economic growth and environmental protection, public infrastructure, charitable giving, municipal governance among others.

As always ACA looks forward to working with the government to help support our workers and their employment and we continue to applaud the government for its commitment to getting our economy moving.