Friday, March 14, 2025
Occupational Health and SafetyStakeholder Consultation

Input Requested on Proposed Code Changes

Public review to proposed changes to Codes Canada publications is now open.

If these proposed changes are approved they will be published in the 2020 National Codes.  Members can provide formal comments to National Research Council before January 4, 2019.

Please note the following changes in particular:

Air leakage
Proposed Change 1335
As of the 2020 code there will be a performance expectation for air barrier, air leakage from buildings. QUANTIFIED. This is new for 2020.

Encapsulated Mass Timbers
9 provisions starting with Proposed Change 1024
This is new addition and it deals with large span wood members – sometimes called CLTor cross laminated timber.

Agricultural Occupancy
Proposed Change 1015
Re-definition of Agricultural Occupancy – this is likely in reference to Cannabis producers calling their facilities Agricultural, where they are actually low – medium – or high hazard Industrial.

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes invites Code users and stakeholders to review the following publications:

National Building Code of Canada
Proposed changes by subject
 Proposed changes by Code Provision

National Fire Code of Canada
Proposed changes by subject
Proposed changes by Code Provision

National Plumbing Code of Canada
Proposed changes by subject
Proposed changes by Code Provision

Click here for the combined document of all changes. Please note there are no proposed changes for the National Energy Code for Buildings.

How to submit comments

Before submitting comments please read:
Guidelines for writing comments
Instructions for submitting comments
Proposed changes

To comment on a proposed change click the’Submit Comment’ link located at the beginning of each proposed change to access the online comment form. You must use a separate Comment Form for each proposed change.  

Only online comment forms will be accepted.