Wednesday, February 5, 2025
AdvocacyStakeholder Consultation

Federal Government Seeks Input On Integrity Regime

In the fall of 2017 the Government of Canada sought stakeholder views on enhancing the Integrity Regime as part of a public consultation on addressing corporate wrongdoing.

In the spring of 2018, the Government of Canada announced that the following enhancements to the Integrity Regime would be made, incorporating the feedback received during the fall 2017 consultation: 

  • introduction of greater flexibility in debarment decisions (rendering companies ineligible from receiving federal contracts or real property agreements)
  • increasing the number of triggers that can lead to debarment
  • exploring alternative measures to further mitigate the risk of doing business with organized crime
  • expanding the scope of business ethics covered under the regime into key areas such as combatting human trafficking and the protection of labour rights and the environment

As the Government of Canada prepares to release the Integrity Regime’s revised Ineligibility and Suspension Policy, a public consultation is now being held to seek comments on the application of the proposed draft Policy and any of its requirements. This feedback will be taken into consideration to further refine the draft policy before it comes into effect.
Interested parties may provide feedback by submitting comments and responses online, by email or by mail.

Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our vice-president of public affairs Rodrigue Gilbert at or 613-236-9455, ext. 432.