Monday, March 17, 2025

Canadian Trade Mission Thailand, Burma, and Philippines

The Canadian Trade Commissioner services in Thailand, Burma and, Philippines are organising a Trade Mission for Canadian companies specialising in services and products related to airports design/management and construction. The Mission will take place October 19-23, 2015 in Bangkok, Yangon/Mandalay, and Manila with the objective to develop business opportunities and relationships with the major airport players in the above countries. There is no requirement for the companies to attend the mission in all the three countries. There is an option to join the mission in only one country, or two if they would like. Attached is the promo piece.

Also please note that the deadline for participation is August 31, 2015 with the potential for the deadline to be extended one week.

Any interested companies should contact Nancy Terris from Southeast Asia / Oceania branch, Alberta International and Intergovernmental Relations, Tel: 780 427 6654 or e-mail: